How Effective is Hypnosis with Anxiety & Addiction?
Hypnosis is an effective therapy combining Psychotherapy

Anxiety Based Patterns
General anxiety, phobias panic attacks, sleep disturbances, depression, acute stress disorder (ASD) self esteem issues, pain management by induced analgesia, habit change, addiction, OCD Post operative healing PTSD

What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is the inability to handle the ambiguities (the uncertainties) of life, this is a person process , not a disorder
Anxiety is fear of what might happen or
thinking of what will happen in the future.
This can lead to avoidance, or I'm never going to change having a heighten of fears and risks factors.
Social anxiety is the most common form of anxiety, the fear of being judged by others and there for, do not trust people or/and any situation.
These uncertainties to threats is a normal
response. When this response is out of perspective of their realistic life events, then anxiety becomes a problem. Anxiety is common co-morbid with depression, substance abuse or eating disorder.

What is Addiction?
Addiction or Dependence is in the present orientated (the now). and is fed by a need for a buzz or calm down
People are dependent to the feelings they get, not from the substance. you hear then saying 'I'm addicted to it, "I need to do it", 'I need a drink or a cigarettes'",
A drug, alcohol, can't put something in to you, like confidence, or creativeness. What it really does, it disinhibits you, so you think your are more confident or calm. you are addicted to the feeling
from the substance.
People are trying to get back in control some how.
When people cant stand their own thought and discomforts, they then ignore them and numb these out externally by, take a substance, eg; Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, when people feel out for control and don't know how to get it back, they self- sooth.
"It is Not You It's just a Pattern you have leant to adjust your coping style in situation".
Psychoeducation and Hypnotherapy can help clients to and re-learn new patterns for dealing with these discomforts, for their present orientation. Addressing the Gordian Pillars for anxiety and stable attribution of their attachment to substances with GICA pillars can address the intolerance for
ambiguity and avoidance.